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[TV Show News] ‘The Walking Dead’ Season 5 Trailer Premieres at San Diego Comic-Con

The Season 5 trailer for AMC's The Walking Dead premiered at San Diego Comic-Con.

The trailer shows Rick Grimes and his crew in a very dire situation with the Terminus people.  I have no idea how they’ll get out of this jam fighting the other humans and the zombies at the same time.

The groups appear to force a trip to Washington, D.C., where they’ll try to cure the zombie plague. “From the opening tease in the premiere onward, season 5 is without question the most ambitious and satisfying season this amazing team has ever crafted,” said Charlie Collier, AMC president. “In the zombie apocalypse, event television is alive and well, and I am proud to acknowledge that this uniquely talented writing staff, production team, and cast have once again raised the bar (and the crossbow).”

Season 5 will premiere on AMC on Sunday October 12, 2014 at 9 PM.

Source: Entertainment Weekly

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