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[Movie Review] Monsters University (2013)

Official Website

Plot Summary: Mike Wazowski and James P. Sullivan are an inseparable pair, but that wasn't always the case. From the moment these two mismatched monsters met, they couldn't stand each other. "Monsters University" unlocks the door to how Mike and Sulley overcame their differences and became the best of friends.

Director: Dan Scanlon

Writer: Robert L. Baird, Daniel Gerson, Dan Scanlon

Runtime: 95 minutes

Main Cast

  • Billy Crystal as Michael "Mike" Wazowski
  • John Goodman as James P. "Sulley" Sullivan
  • Steve Buscemi as Randall Boggs
  • Nathan Fillion as Johnny Worthington

Review: by Nena

 I, like many Disney/Pixar fans, have been waiting to see this movie for what feels like forever. A few years ago when it was finally revealed that they were making a sequel to Monsters Inc., I was excited to see what stories remained to be told in the colorful world of Monstropolis. To my surprise, it was then revealed that "Monsters Inc. 2" (as it had previously been titled) was not going to be a sequel, but rather a prequel highlighting Mike and Sulley's college years. While I am normally not a big fan of prequels, I felt that going in this direction with the Monsters Inc. world was good because the audience would be able to gain a better understanding of the main characters' personalities, desires, and motivations. I also felt that it would be interesting to see younger, unpolished versions of the Mike and Sulley we've come to know interacting with a host of unfamiliar characters and settings.

What I Liked:

Pretty much everything from beginning to end. The animation was colorful and beautifully done, especially the action sequences. The character designs were unique and fun. The scene where Mike arrives as a wide-eyed freshman to the Monsters University campus for the first time is sure to remind adult fans of their own college experiences.

I felt that Mike and Sulley’s intense rivalry throughout the movie served as an important (and hilarious) part of the foundation of their friendship.

Charlie Day gives a scene-stealing performance as Art, one of the brothers of the fraternity that Mike and Sulley end up pledging in order to enter a Greek tournament.

I also like that some of the jokes were specifically geared toward adults, showing that the production team has done their homework in regards to capturing the overall fanbase, not just the kids. They even managed to throw in a few callback moments from Monsters Inc. in the form of character cameos.

What I Didn’t Like:

I feel like it could have been a bit longer, but I feel that way about most good animated movies.

I was also a little disappointed that they didn’t go into more detail with Mike and Sulley’s families. There were only a couple of quick references to Sulley’s family and nothing at all about Mike’s. I can understand that it wouldn’t be advancing the plot much, but I don’t think one quick scene would’ve taken anything away from the movie overall.



A fantastic movie with an engaging plot, lovable characters, heartwarming moments, and almost non-stop humor and action. I highly recommend Monsters University for movie fans of all ages.

You can purchase Monsters University on Blu Ray from Amazon here:

Images Courtesy of IMDB

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